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According to AND!Online, the Oscar winner did not always sport short hair, and in the picture she was barely 14-years-old.
Lupita accompanied the snapshot with the following text: "#fbf school days. Shout-out to full eyebrows and fringes/bangs at 14. #RusingaSchoolNairobi."
Nyong'o said in an interview with Redbook that she shaved her head when she was 19, after having it damaged by a chemical treatment.
"It wasn't on a whim ... spent days thinking about it first. Once I did it, it was very liberating, but I also felt very naked. When you feel the wind on your scalp, it's like, ''Oh my god!'' But I've kept my hair short ever since," she said.
The actress also explained that adapting to different looks was always something difficult for her.
“As a teen, my hair caused me so much anxiety,” she said. “When I wasn't happy with how my hair looked, I'd spend recess in the bathroom because I was so embarrassed.”
Currently, she presents herself with plenty of security on the red carpets, where she received very good reviews for her outfits and style.