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The former first lady of Mexico, Margarita Zavala, released a video in which she announces her decision to seek the government's top post and not the leadership of her National Action Party (PAN).
"I will not contender for the leadership. The party has men and women able to rise to this challenge and I am confident that in the PAN we can make the best decision. For these reasons I have decided that in the times pointed out by the electoral law, I will seek the presidency of the Republic," she said.
In a video recording published on her Twitter account, Zavala Gómez del Campo expressed that due to the mediocre results obtained by the party in the recent elections, she will build a national project in order to rally its members and "those who have voted for other alternatives and those who have stopped believing in the parties as an instrument of our democracy."
"I'm going to travel through the country, to listen to the people, to talk about our possibilities and what we want for the future. I am convinced that we can obtain in the election of 2018 a government that will dignify politics for the benefit of the citizens," she added.