
Salma Hayek says NO to botox

'I don't believe in Botox, especially when people do it so young. They destroy themselves.' The Mexican actress told People magazine.

Mexican actress Salma Hayek said that she has never had plastic surgery or Botox. (Photo: Archive/EL UNIVERSAL )
10/06/2015 |16:26
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Mexican actress Salma Hayek said that she has never had plastic surgery or Botox.

Hayek, 48, talked to People about her beauty routine.

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"I don't really take big risks when it comes to beauty. I think a big risk is plastic surgery. I'm very conservative in my beauty routine. I don't know if I would never get plastic surgery. I'm not planning on it right now." the actress said. 

She also added: 

"I don't believe in Botox, especially when [people] do it so young. They destroy themselves."

"I had a great mother who gave [beauty advice] to me, which is wash your face before you go to sleep — no matter what," Hayek says. "She and my grandmother told me, 'You have to do this for yourself. Just think about how much faster you're going to age if you don't.'"