
OHL Mexico will investigate alleged bribing of judges

The company said that an independent law firm will investigate the matter.

01/06/2015 |09:30
Sara Cantera
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OHL Mexico informed that after the recordings in which some of its executives discuss bribing judges, the Board of Directors decided not to dismiss the legal director of the company, but to isolate him from all relevant judicial proceedings and commission an investigation to an independent law firm.

Last week YouTube user  uploaded a video of an alleged conversation between OHL executives Paul Wallentin, who acted as a liaison between OHL Mexico and state officials, and Gerardo Fernández, legal director of OHL Mexico, talking about bribing judges.

In the audio, the legal director explains that Circuito Exterior Mexiquense (Conmex) can not write a check if the person or reason is not specified, so both parties conclude that the payment to the judges will have to be done "as usual". 

The judges have denied receiving any illegal payment.