
Mexico regrets exoneration of US police officer in shooting of compatriot

The SRE announced that the family of the deceased will continue to receive support.

Mexico regrets exoneration of US police officer in shooting of compatriot
18/05/2015 |22:10
Redacción El Universal
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The Government of Mexico regretted the decision of the Grand Jury of Tarrant County, Texas, to not press charges against officer Robert Clark, who shot and killed Mexican Rubén García Villalpando in Grapevine county, when he was with his hands up and disarmed.

Through a release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), the Mexican authorities indicated that it respects the U.S. judicial process, but reiterated its call for a review of the protocols of the use of lethal force by the law enforcement agencies.

The above represents a reaction for the repeated fatal incidents of the last few months in prejudice of Mexican citizens.

The SRE reported that has instructed the embassy in the U.S. to meet as soon as possible with the Civil Rights authorities of the Department of Justice to address this issue.

The Ministry pointed out that the Consulate General in Dallas will continue to provide legal assistance to the family of the deceased in the course of the demand they have submitted for his death.