For the final stop of his European tour , Foreign Minister, Luis Videgaray Caso , met yesterday with top UK officials, including Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs, Boris Johnson as part of a tour aimed at strengthening business ties with the United Kingdom, despite the UK vote to leave the European Union, which has come to be known as Brexit .

Videgaray Caso held a work meeting with Johnson and coincided in the opportunities regarding financial services, green energies, and education both countries offer after a Brexit scenario, in terms of the international strategic allegiance between Mexico and the UK.

The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office led by Johnson posted the impressions of Mexico's foreign minister on its Twitter account, following their work meeting in London:

Prior to his work meeting with Johnson on October 19, Videgaray met with the financial ambassador of the UK, Lord Mayor of London, Rt. Hon. Dr. Andrew Parmley, with a previous stop to The Royal Institute of International Affairs , Chatham House.

Earlier this year, Lord Mayor of London, Rt. Hon. Dr. Andrew Parmley visited Mexico City to restate his country's interest in promoting UK-Mexico business relations and met top Mexican businessmen, commerce and finance officials.

Lord Mayor of London, Rt. Hon. Dr. Andrew Parmley (L) alongside Mexico Minister of Foreign Affairs Luis Videgaray Caso (R)

At the time Dr. Parmley also expressed the opportunities in fin-tech , green bonds emission , and education his country sought to develop with Mexico, in an interview with .

On October 18, Videgaray held meetings with HRH The Duke of York, Prince Andrew , Finance Minister, Andrew Hammond , and International Trade Minister, Liam Fox to discuss ways in which commercial ties could be furthered between Mexico and the UK.


Mexico Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray Caso (L) alongside HRH The Duke of York, Prince Andrew (R) in Buckingham Palace

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